Announcing Availability of TXMAP to NIEF Members

We are pleased to announce the availability of the Texas Department of Public Safety’s TXMAP web mapping application. TXMAP is a multi-faceted data mapping and reporting tool.  It provides users access to a variety of data ranging from secure critical infrastructure and law enforcement data to public data such as registered sex offender home addresses.  TXMAP can provide value to law enforcement agencies, public safety organizations, emergency management groups, and others.

To gain access to TXMAP, your IDP must provide the minimal required set of attributes as per TXMAP auditing requirements. This includes given name, surname, email, employer name, federation id, and identity provider id.  TXMAP grants additional privileges to users that have additional attributes including ORI, identity proofing assurance level, electronic authentication assurance level, PCII Certification Indicator, Sworn LEO, and Public Safety Officer.

If your organization needs to update its local trust stores, you can find the NIEF trust fabric entry for TXMAP within the NIEF Trust Fabric Registry and in the NIEF Trust Fabric file.

If you have any questions about TXMAP and NIEF, or if you encounter any problems while trying to configure your IDP for access to TXMAP, please contact us at

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